The Red Barn (How it all started)

We were founded under the encouragement of the late Clarence Snyder, one of the original 40 members of A.A., who believed as did his sponsor Dr. Bob, that our program should be a life changing experience. We feature many excellent speakers of varied backgrounds who will share how, after being defeated, have become winners by the spiritual principles taught by the founders of A.A. and Al-Anon. 

Dale Morfitt and Clarence Snyder were driving into the Morfitt's driveway when Clarence pointed at the barn and said, "Dale you should have a retreat there." They found a camp about one mile away and the first Spiritual Program Retreat was held October 16 - 18 1981. Fall 2023 marked our 79th retreat.

Spiritual Program Retreat has seen thousands of lives changed through the power of the 12 step program as taught by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Midwest. 


  • A person can complete Steps 1 - 9 and live on 10 - 12.

  • This program should bring about a life-changing experience.

  • Step 7 really works.

  •  Permanent recovery is attainable.